Apr '22

Ladies Conference 2022
Apr '22

We want to invite the ladies from around the area to join us for a very special One Night Ladies Conference on Friday, May 13, 2022.

We are excited to have Sister Elaine Love as our Conference Minister. Sister Elaine has served for12 years as the Women’s Ministry leader of the state of Florida. She is the co-pastor of Punta Gorda, Florida, and an ordained minister. Elaine has spoken in many conferences and services as a women’s ministry leader. She has the heart to serve and see ladies be touched by God.
Please register for this FREE night!. Registration will begin at 5:30 PM and a meal will begin at 6:00 PM along with some door prizes. We will have a time of testimony, worship, and a timely Word just for you ladies.
To help us prepare for you, please pre-register by using the link below. The night is free, but we will receive an offering if you would like to bless our guest and Conference expenses.
We encourage all of our ladies within driving distance to set aside everything else for this wonderful evening- for One Night. Already in our planning God has been answering prayers and preparing what we sense to be a precious and intimate time with the Lord.
Registration and check-in will begin at 5:30 PM
Dinner and door prizes will be at 6:00 PM
Service (Worship, testimonies, and the Word) @7:00 PM
Registration and check-in will begin at 5:30 PM
Dinner and door prizes will be at 6:00 PM
Service (Worship, testimonies, and the Word) @7:00 PM
Community Church at Hackleburg
9700 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564
Community Church at Hackleburg
9700 State Hwy 172
Hackleburg, AL 35564
*Please note childcare will not be available.