United in Prayer: Day 2

Yesterday, we invited God in. We invited God to bring to the surface those things that need to be dealt with. We set a level of expectancy while we are choosing to wait on God to speak. Today, let’s go even further asking God to create a clean heart within us.
A Right Heart

A heart that hungers for God–that’s what He is looking for. Sometimes we can look at this and think we have to be perfect before entering God’s presence before thinking we deserve to encounter Him. We can get stuck in a cycle or a pattern of behaviors that limit our relationship with God because we hold our own selves back by thinking “when I get it together, I will pursue Him.” God on the other hand isn’t looking for our perfect behavior. He looks at our hearts. He is looking for a perfect heart.
Interestingly, in 1 Kings 11:4, the Amplified Version shows us a definition of what a perfect heart looks like. For when Solomon was old, his wives turned away his heart after other gods, and his heart was not perfect (complete and whole) with the Lord his God, as was the heart of David his father.
A perfect heart is complete and whole. A perfect heart is one heart after God.
In Isaiah 6:1-9, we see Isaiah’s prayer when he realized he had things that needed to be dealt with. When God looks for perfect, He is looking for hearts. When God has our hearts, He can change our behaviors. He can change everything else. When He has our hearts, the doors open wide for a truly intimate relationship with God.
Acts 13:22 And when He had deposed him, He raised up David to be their king; of him He bore witness and said, I have found David son of Jesse a man after My own heart, who will do all My will and carry out My program fully.
Today, let’s join in with the prayer of David asking God to create in us a clean heart. Let’s ask God to expose anything that holds us back. Let’s ask God for a heart that is perfect (complete and whole). Let’s give God our hearts.
Psalm 51: 10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right, persevering, and steadfast spirit within me.
   – April Price
Prayer Starter

Father, I give my all to you. Take my heart, create a clean heart. One that is right with you. One that is complete in you. One that is whole, made by you, nothing lacking. Give me a heart after you, and nothing else.